Through a partnership with Starbucks and SPH idea hub, students tracked COVID policies affecting retail businesses and restaurants to reference as they facilitate store re-openings and implement safety protocols.
Through a partnership with Starbucks and SPH idea hub, students tracked COVID policies affecting retail businesses and restaurants to reference as they facilitate store re-openings and implement safety protocols.
What COVID-19 policies actually work? A collaboration between BUSPH and Google researched which government policies work best in preventing the spread of the disease.
Women are waiting longer to have children, however research into factors associated with modern fertility has been scarce. BUSPH investigates oral contraceptive use and biomarkers to help predict fertility.
The US HUD mandated all public housing units be smoke-free by 2018. BUSPH worked to create a toolkit for 2,700 public housing units to adapt to smoke-free regulations.
Annual expenses for young people with diabetes is over $1.8 billion. Dr. Wang uses mobile health interventions that enhance parent and child diabetes self-management to reduce this cost burden.